The articles which appear on are provided on an “as is” basis and are intended for general consumer understanding and education only. Any access to this information is voluntary and at the sole risk of the user.

Nothing contained in articles and or content is or should be considered, or used as a substitute for, veterinary medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The information provided on the website is for educational and informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for professional advice from a veterinarian or other professional. Articles are designed to educate consumers on veterinary health care and medical issues that may affect their pet’s or animal’s daily lives. This site and its services do not constitute the practice of any veterinary medical or other professional veterinary health care advice, diagnosis or, WeeTrend LLC disclaims liability for any damages or losses, direct or indirect, that may result from use of or reliance on information contained within the information. (a web resource of WeeTrend LLC) advises consumers to always seek the advice of a veterinarian, veterinary specialist or other qualified veterinary health care provider with any questions regarding a pet’s health or medical conditions. Never disregard, avoid or delay in obtaining medical advice from your veterinarian or other qualified veterinary health care provider because of something you have read on this site. If you have or suspect that your pet has a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified veterinary health care professional immediately.